BeJae performs Fading Fast with Jackie at Ca d'Zan House Concerts, Cambridge, IL on June 24, '17. Thanks to John Taylor for amazing sound and videography!

Also at Ca d'Zan House Concerts (Cambridge, IL, June 24, '17), BeJae performs Dirty Needles, Broken Glass.

BeJae performing Blacktop Road with Jackie at Byron's (Pomeroy, IA, July 6, 2014).

BeJae performing East Texas Highway with Jackie at Byron's (Pomeroy, IA, July 6, 2014). She begins by explaining why she vacationed in East Texas during August one year....

John Baron put together this video for BeJae's song, Last Train to Memphis (from her album, Destination Unimportant). John took some of the pictures himself - and included others by Roger D. Feldhans, Bryan Farland, Jimmy Stevens, and Leigh Adcock. Thank you, John!

BeJae performs "Hotwired" at the Maximum Ames Festival (2015).

BeJae and Jackie play Couple of Fools, co-written by BeJae and Bryon Dudley (Prairie Blue, Jefferson, IA, 2015).

BeJae performs Carry Me Away at the Honky Tonk House Concert. Thanks to John Baron for posting the recording, April, 2012.